The International Biodanza and Psychology encounter will be realized for the third time in Chile. The meeting is in Santiago on April 2016 and will be divided in a theoretical and a practical part.
This encounter is organized by Cecilia Vera, director of the Biodanza School El Canelo in Santiago. The purpose of “Returning to love” is to promote the multidisciplinary exchange with specialists in the following areas: psychology, science, medicine, education, complementary medicine, transpersonal vision, organizational development and others. There will be academic guests who work actively in the expansion of human conscience. This event was created with services to help you enjoy a better health and life quality. We invite you to build dreams of love. Participants, expositors, students and different women and men, willing to create a loving world. Together we can dance for hopes full of love. The third International Biodanza and psychology encounter is the opportunity to weave bridges with life lessons. We want to tribute diversity and singularity, we want to celebrate life with love.
We invite you to be part of this change and to live better. We believe in the possibility of a world understood as an affective fundamental; so we can dance, love, learn, grow, work, build, eat, reject, sow, harvest, choose, think, hug each other and live with conscience and relationships.
Biodanza Biodanza was created by the professor, writer and visual artist Rolando Toro more than 40 years ago. He settled the bases of Biodanza based on his experience in areas such as psychotherapy and investigation about the behaviour of patients with mental illness. This way he created a theoretical model with universal acceptance.
When? The 8th, 9th and 10th of April 2016.
Place? : Club Providencia
Address : Pocuro 2878 – Providencia – Santiago Chile
Time? : 08:00 a 20:00 hrs.
Value and contact:
PROGRAM : Conferences – Experiences of Biodanza – Art Exhibition HOW TO GET: